Friday, February 19, 2010

Back from Mardi Gras 2010 in New Orleans!!!!!!!!!!!11

What a trip...  Never before have I been witness to so many debaucheries!!!  And I say witness because I was most definitely on the side lines watching with awe and amazement.  It was such a blast...  Dancing in the streets, singing, catching beads, meeting random strangers, taking pictures...  It just flew by.  

The point of my going to Mardi Gras was to shoot the festivities.  I'm acting in and co-producing a film called "ZOMBEX".  This film is a conspiracy theory zombie film.  Think Alex Jones meets 28 Days Later.  It's a cool script which will inevitably be a cool film.  I won't divulge too much info but we're talking to a number of well known actors and musicians for important roles in the film~ Lew Temple (, James Intveld (, Michael DesBarres (, among others.  I will be playing a character named Katie Anne, who is the daughter of an ex-military man and a burlesque dancer who happens to kick major ass when needed...  More to be revealed.

Now we embark on draft #2 of the script and a trip to LA for casting meetings, etc...  All very exciting stuff.

In the meantime, more Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures goodness ahead:  A documentary of the tour with Rob Zombie on the Hellbilly Deluxe 2 Tour and another shipment of CD's to our favorite store EVER, Hot Topic.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Heading to New Orleans for Mardi Gras!

Jesse Dayton aka Captain Clegg has written a screenplay titled "Zombex". It's a conspiracy theory zombie flick. The script is rich, funny and filled with parallels and irony. The opening scene is all around Mardi Gras. So we're off to film the last (2) days and nights of the many debaucheries that come with Mardi Gras, insert zombies. Should be cool.

Myself and Jesse are producing. Don Swaynos and Jesse will be directing. Ben Foster will be our DP. Clio Weissman is our New Orleans producer.

Mistress Clegg will be there dressed to the nines! And is very much looking forward to the craziness...

Hope to see some of you there. Come up and say hello. Don't be shy ;)